The 328 S. LILLY STREET Apartments, apartment 3; Moscow, Id 83843

Walking up to the second story towards the apartment.

This apartment is on the left.

Apartment entry.

A very pleasing welcome strikes you as you enter the apartment.

Plenty of light and a view of the campus out there.

This feels like home, or like home should be.

The gas stove occupies a commanding spot in a living room corner.

Someone really let go with his/her artist's brush in this cutest of kitchens.

Old-fashioned shelving in the kitchen.

Multi-tone, kitchen cupboard artwork. Eat your heart out Michelangelo!

With so much natural lighting even Leonardo would have been tempted to indulge his calling. This is the eating area as seen from the kitchen.

A view of the living room from the kitchen.

More light in the bedroom to open up your horizons and set your optimism on fire.

Cozy? You bet!

You can store more than easels and clothing in this closet.

Looking at the living room from the bedroom.

Want to look again?

Inspiration point. Sterile whiteness.

Old-fashioned? Nothing but the most old-fashioned -- the emperor's choice.

Anticlimactic exhibit of storage afterthoughts in the bathroom.
If you've ever wished for a cute and cozy apartment, this is it. An enlightened student's favorite. And here's the
floor plan.