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FIRE or GAS SMELL: Call 911 first!

EMERGENCY (PULLMAN): During office hours call (509) 332 8622; after hours call (509) 330-6712. 
EMERGENCY (MOSCOW): During office hours call (208) 882-4721 or (509) 332 8622; after hours call 208-997-1267


Please call (509) 332-8622 or email your maintenance request. Be sure to state your apartment address including your apartment number, your name, phone number and whether or not you grant us permission to enter your apartment for the requested repairs. Work orders without permission to enter take longer due to scheduling arrangements. Please send us your maintenance request. Our staff is committed to responding promptly.


Please call (208) 882-4721 or email us your maintenance request. Be sure to state your apartment address including your apartment number, your name, phone number and whether or not you grant us permission to enter your apartment for the requested repairs. Work orders without permission to enter take longer due to scheduling arrangements. Please send us your maintenance request. Our staff is committed to responding promptly.


FIRE or GAS SMELL: Call 911 first!



Low-Level Clog (small amount of standing water in tub or sink, won’t drain, drains slowly). Try this tip.

High-Level Clog (tub and sink filled, toilet emptying or flushing on its own, large amount of standing water)

Outlet or light fixture not working/partial electrical outage

Electricity in whole unit goes out (only if Avista Utilities is not at fault)

Heater is not working (one heater—non-essential)

Heat in whole unit goes out

Appliance not-working/stove burner not working

Stove smoking (not from cooked-on food)

Washers and Dryers not working

Fridge not working

Drip from kitchen, bathroom, or bathtub faucet

Major flooding (risk of damage to structure or personal belongings)

Mildew. Try this tip. Clogged toilet

Missing Blinds


Noise Complaints (Please report them to the office and the police)



Sink clog (Low-Level)

This is a useful skill for life and might help prevent a service charge. Get a good plunger (available at hardware stores, Walmart or even grocery stores). Make sure you allow some water to pile up in the plugged sink. Then placing the plunger over the sink hole, plunge airtight and hold for a few seconds to allow a vacuum to be built up between the plunger and the descending water level in the pipe. Then, jerk the plunger up with sudden force, and presto! Some gunk gets sucked up and your sink is running nicely. This procedure can be repeated, if necessary. To minimize sink clogging, be sure to use a strainer -- it will collect most of the stuff that causes clogging.

Tips for Fixing Those Annoying Clogged Toilets

Inspect the toilet’s inner workings every six months.

Never pour a chemical drain cleaner down your toilet; it can cause damage to your plumbing pipes.

Clean your toilet regularly with baking soda, vinegar or mild soap.

Consider what kind of toilet paper you are using; some break down less effectively than others and can cause clogs to happen more often.

If you get brown water backing up into your shower or sink when you flush, call a plumber immediately; these are signs of a more serious issue.

Worth reading: https://getpocket.com/explore/item/4-shower-products-that-are-ruining-your-pipes-according-to-plumbers


Mildew thrives in moist environments. It is especially important to circulate air throughout the apartment in order to prevent a mildew buildup. Utilizing your bathroom fan, for example, can help to circulate air and prevent a mildew buildup that requires pesky cleaning later. If  you are looking for an effective solution to remove existing mildew on your bathroom tiles, caulk, or in the crevices of your windows, try mixing equal parts vinegar and baking soda. Apply generously and allow the mixture to sit for approximately 30 minutes. Wipe up the mixture and appreciate mildew-free tile, caulk, and windows!

Top ways to prevent PESTS

Throw away trash regularly.

Make sure garbage bins have lids and remain closed.

Clean apartment space regularly.

Ensure food is in tightly sealed containers or in the refrigerator.

Notify if there's standing water surrounding the property. (From www.avail.com).

Normally, the common store-bought sprays are designed to do the job for the bugs you see. The manufacturers figured you like the zapping action and that you'll go buy more of their product. Why not try a different approach? There are various chemicals on the market. One that works fairly well is called SWAT 75 WG. An even better choice is ATTAMaxx 25 DP. One packet will last a very long time. Sprinkle a bit and let the action begin. The chemical attracts the ants. Leave the kill alone. Those ants, etc., that manage to get to their nest after having ingested the chemical get eaten by others and thus the entire colony gets infected. The kill in the apartment becomes a magnet for more bugs to come (as the dead bug smell attracts other bugs from great distances). Letting dead bugs pile up in an out of the way spot is a good idea, as dead bugs don't exude a smell for humans. You can clean the spot periodically and leave some chemical until the pest is eliminated.

Here's some great pest-fighting ideas: https://rentalhousingjournal.com/7-pest-preventative-maintenance-steps-for-rental-housing/?utm_source=Master+Investor%2FOwner%2FProp+Mngr%2FSocial&utm_campaign=db49466ee5-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2021_12_15_03_22&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_1df36dfca7-db49466ee5-113915477


If the apartment is not kept clean enough, pests are sure to come. Here's something from the internet that you can do yourself.

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