THE OLYMPUS PLUS APARTMENTS: 1200 Hillside Circle, apartment 1; Pullman, Wa 99163

Apartment entry, first on the left on second floor.

Partial view of kitchen with open front door as viewed from living room.

Spacious living room to spread out.

Living room with large picture window overlooking McGee Park.

Kitchen with good appliances and large pantry (closed door on left).

Large corridor closet with a peek of living room beyond.

Large corridor closet with a peek of front door beyond.

Coat closet in corridor with one of the bedrooms in the background.

Linen closet in corridor just outside bathroom and bedrooms.

One of the bedrooms with a good-size window.

Another shot of one of the bedrooms looking eastward away from the park.

Sizable bedroom closet -- closets: are you counting?

Another bedroom closet.

Cozy full bathroom with tub-and-shower.
Spacious, well-constructed 2-bedroom apartment with lots of closet storage in a naturally ideal environment. Here's the
floorplan and the
apartment locator.