THE GLENDIMER ONE APARTMENTS: 125 Larry Street, apartment 19; Pullman, Wa 99163

Apartment entry into the living room with the kitchen beyond.

Coat closet just behind the front door.

Looking out the front of the apartment.
Vinyl plank flooring super-statement generously covering the living room, kitchen/dining room, corridor and even bathroom. What a healthful, easy-to-clean and easy-to-keep-clean environment! That bench on the left is not standard fare, it's something extra for your party guests to lounge around.

Nicely equipped kitchen.

The dining area off the kitchen.

Your bedroom -- plenty of space.

Large bedroom closet.

The study corner in the bedroom. Your computer desk will fit nicely in there -- designed for maximum concentration.

Standardized bathroom.

Standardized bathroom.
Contemporary design. Excellent condition. Convenient location. Here's the
Floor plan and here's the building's
Apartment Locator.